Tips for a Healthy Approach to the New Year


The New Year generally brings about the tradition of establishing New Year’s resolutions. To countless individuals in the U.S., this tradition represents setting goals to maintain a healthier way of living. While you conduct research for tricks and tips to optimize a healthy diet and healthier living, make certain to take measures to improve your gut health. The digestive system performs an array of vital tasks that work to help sustain your overall quality of life. Make plans now to take good care of your gut and welcome in the New Year with a fresh start.

GastroArkansas is excited to be your partner in guarding your health and wellness against digestive issues. Individuals seeking more tips on how they might improve their gastrointestinal (GI) health or who are having any issues related to potential GI problems are encouraged to contact our facility in Little Rock, AR to meet with a seasoned and caring gastrointestinal specialist.

What foods help to improve GI health?

Enjoy a healthy start to the New Year by establishing some healthy dietary habits. One of the most important things you can implement to enhance your digestive health is to take in an abundance of foods rich in fiber. By doing so, you can help keep your digestive system working smoothly and may reduce the risk of problems, like diverticulitis, hemorrhoids, and constipation. A selection of fiber-rich foods to add to your dietary intake include:

  • Apples

  • Chickpeas

  • Lentils

  • Artichokes

  • Green peas

  • Broccoli

  • Beans

  • Whole grains

In addition to foods rich in fiber, you can also think about adding probiotics to your diet. The GI system relies on a healthy proportion of helpful bacteria to operate smoothly. If you increase the intake of good microorganisms, you could potentially support the appropriate balance in your GI tract. Probiotics may be taken in supplement form or incorporated into your nutritional intake in the foods you eat, including yogurt.

How else can I enhance my digestive health?

Nutritional intake is merely part of the battle. Other factors that could help bolster your gastrointestinal wellness include regular exercise. Staying physically active can help stave off and ease constipation as well as strengthen your muscles. An additional thing you could do to help improve your digestive health is to manage stress in healthy ways. Unchecked stress and anxiety can potentially cause issues like constipation, vomiting, and nausea. Methods to getting a handle on stress include getting plenty of sleep, forging meaningful bonds with others, and practicing meditation. Given that tobacco products have an adverse impact on every area of your body, one major way you can promote your gut health is to cease smoking and using tobacco.

When should I see a GI specialist?

Although establishing healthy dietary habits and incorporating a healthy lifestyle may significantly enhance your gut health, there could be occasions upon which you should see a GI specialist for more distressing concerns. Some of the more common signs that you may have a GI disease or condition include the following:

  • Vomiting and queasiness

  • Bowel or bladder incontinence

  • Bloody stool

  • Recurring heartburn

  • Difficult bowel movements

  • Abdominal pain

  • Diarrhea

  • Unexplained weight change

In the event you experience any of the signs and symptoms listed above, contact GastroArkansas right away. You can reserve a consultation with an accomplished GI specialist in Little Rock, AR who can identify and address gastrointestinal conditions and diseases that result in these troublesome signs and symptoms.

Should I set up a colonoscopy?

Promoting ideal digestive wellness also includes staying up to date on your preventive care efforts. Colorectal cancer is the third leading kind of cancer for both men and women; however, detecting the disease early can drastically boost a person's prognosis. Medical professionals advise that individuals start undergoing routine colonoscopy exams when they are 45 years old. When a colonoscopy exam is normal, then another will not be needed for about ten years. You can arrange to have a colonoscopy at a GastroArkansas office near you.

Consult a gastrointestinal specialist in Little Rock, AR

Why wait for the New Year to start caring for your GI health? Welcome in the new and healthier you starting now. With the experts at GastroArkansas, you can begin the New Year with a healthier gut. Our Little Rock, AR gastroenterologists are among the most distinguished practitioners in the field. To arrange for an appointment or to learn more, please contact GastroArkansas.